- Photo -

Making a photo is like capturing the moment as it is. The reality that is at hand is right before you to capture and to relive at any time.

- Collection -

I have decided to keep my creations on my Instagram page. You can view them by clicking on button below. If you have Instragram yourself, why not follow me? :) I would love to recieve your comment(s) on creation(s).

Follow me on Instagram


Martin - PapaSayanG

Martin - PapaSayanG

Owner / Photographer

Daily life can be a stressfull environment. That's why i want to focus on something that keeps my mind at ease. So i have decided to expand my creativity with making photo's. As someone who was born in the 80's where i have witnessed the rise of the internet at first hand knows that the communication tools are explicit and still evolving these days. What would be the best way to do so? YES! the internet and social media.


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